Card brands as Mastercard and Visa release announcements to inform their members about required modifications or implementations. Compliance with those requirements is crucial for every member. The goal of our service is to keep the member up-to-date with the requirements. This service helps our customers to help them to react to new mandates as early as possible.
The benefits
Analyzing card scheme requirements needs continuous announcement processing. When a bank or other payment provider’s human resources are allocated to a project, this continuity is broken. They stop reading the announcements. This situation is even worse when an employee leaves the company and someone else has to begin the process without precise information about the processed announcements.
The lack of continuity leads the organization into a situation when several announcements stay unread, and the organization becomes non-compliant. CARDSPOT processes the announcements regularly and keeps the customer up-to-date about current requirements.
We ensure that the impacts remain documented in central storage, always available for the customer. This service keeps the organization continuously compliant, therefore, holds the cost low.
The process
Our process is based on continuous development.
Together with our customer, we specify the scope, configuring the customer’s role (i.e. issuer, acquirer, processor, etc.). In addition to this, we configure the topics and the region. Once the scope is ready, we begin the observation.

During the pre-processing, we select the announcements, which are in the interest of our customers. Then our colleagues read the announcements selected by the customer and create a short description and a list of the deadlines.
The deadlines are listed in chronological order for better accountability. The deadlines also contain the role, so the reader can decide to which role the deadline belongs. The list contains the reference where the details of the requirement are placed in the document.
Issuers keys for cards of 3 years expiration date must be signed with 1984 bit PSPK. → 4.6
1408 bit PSPK expires → 4.6
In the document, we give an overview of every scope topic, and we repeat the deadlines to make a clear vision of which items are linked together.
Payment System Public Keys
2021.12.31: Issuers keys for cards of 3 years expiration date must be signed with 1984 bit PSPK
2024.12.31: The expiration date of 1408 bit length PSPK.
“1408-bit keys are recommended to have an expiry date of 31 December 2024. Special portfolios that use a 1408-bit key should only continue to do so until 31 December 2025. Public keys that support these portfolios will
need to remain in terminals until this date.” [EMV NB 23]
Our issuer and acquirer services and our brand consultancy help you to implement the necessary changes right in time. In the end, we help you to execute a successful certification process. Contact us for more details.